Software Carpentry for Ukraine: summer project in St Andrews

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Ukrainian students at the University of St Andrews are invited to apply to the Summer Teams Enterprise Programme (STEP) 2023 to work on Ukrainian translation of the teaching materials by The Carpentries - a global volunteer-based organisation whose members teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The project is open to all students who know Ukrainian, and would be especially attractive to those with an interest in the The Carpentries curriculum. You do not have to be an expert in the area, since the materials are designed for beginners, and you will learn in the process. There is also the Carpentries Instructor Training curriculum which is not relying on technical skills at all, but introduces the reader to evidence-based teaching practices and explains the foundations of the Carpentries teaching methodology.

Please see further details and application instructions on the STEP 2023 programme website (scroll to the “Software Carpentry for Ukraine” in the list of project to see the project description). Some information is also available in my earlier post here.